BB5 Easy Service Tool (BEST) Nokia Dongle All version - GSM-Fourm 365


InfinityBox BEST v2.29 - GSM-Fourm 365

=== v2.29 ===
MTK Nokia Firmware Reader / Maker and more

- MTKx Flash Engine has been updated
Automatic "repair mode" activates, if the device ROM has been damaged
Infiniti (factory-like) FW Flash Support

- xCNT tool has been updated
MediaTek tab activated
Allow Firmware to read MTK phones from dumps

Supported line:
Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190

The result is one of the FW factories, which includes all the necessary parts to complete reflash or langpack changes.

The old models below the Nokia 105 are supported as background adjustments. There is no need to use almost
Main use:
1. Create the HMD phone firmware that is not available yet!
2. MTKx Legacy / HMD Model Problem Solution: From HMD Devices (Read FW and Sway)
Optional Use: Build Firmware with Required LANGPACK which is not yet available!

- Service operation revised
MTKx: Faulty detection in Flash has been improved for some devices
MTKx: Now more rapid reading dumps
NXP: HW revision verification has created problems for some rare X + and XL + models, fixed

- Other
Correct some errors and improve at all times

MTKx Legacy / Hmd Model:
This phone can have 2 versions of firmware (old and new seconds)
Nokia 150 (this is a legacy and HMD version)
Nokia 105, Nokia 130, Nokia 216, Nokia 222, Nokia 230: Probably two versions are available

After flashing atomic number 55 are often a results of flashing totally different versions of the matter. simply come back another (SW10: gift, SW11 and newer: HMD)

Lumia / Nokia:
Microsoft will stop supporting Windows Mobile in June 2017
What will happen to servers with firmware - No one knows, but MS politics is easy - off and forgotten!
If you have the opportunity, free drive space and good inet: download all pharma needs!

There will be no longer newer versions than the existing versions.

InfinityBox BEST v2.15_C.R.A.C.K 

All box setup latest version....

BB5 Easy Service Tool (BEST) Nokia Dongle All version - GSM-Fourm 365 BB5 Easy Service Tool (BEST) Nokia Dongle All version  - GSM-Fourm 365 Reviewed by raj telecom china on October 19, 2017 Rating: 5
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